Safety Technologies
Northwall, as a result of an over thirty years’ experience, implements new solutions. Thanks to the application of cutting edge technologies allows innovative procedures. The purpose of Northwall is Improving the effectiveness and safety of those working in a delicate and important professional environment such as the helicopter rescue.

Tailor Made Process
Every patient, every task, every crew members has different requirements and needs different solutions to protect himself making tasks effective. The ability to customize and design dedicated solutions is the basis of Northwall’s activity, which makes each product a devoted specimen, a personal solution.

Continuous Innovation
Northwall Team, with a strong activity of R&D, works hardly to deliver to professional customers new devices and tool that could turn every action in an effective and safe one. Behind every solution there’s a big effort: thousand hours of research, testing and cooperation with industry professionals, Scientific Societies, Universities and High-Tech innovation driven companies.
Northwall Innovation
Northwall srl creates special equipment and helmets for special applications with the aim of making every rescue operation more effective and safer, even complex ones and those in inaccessible or hostile environments.
The Northwall technicians and staff are expert rescuers, paramedics and doctors who work in various emergency fields and are always looking for the best devices used by professionals around the world.

Northwall Training
Specialized courses for professionals
Theoretical and practical courses for using the medical, protection and communication devices that we create. We can arrange these courses according to your specific needs.

Gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012 e consultabili al seguente link, inserendo come chiave di ricerca nel campo codice fiscale beneficiario il dato 02663560346
Inoltre si dichiara di aver ricevuto i seguenti contributi a fondo perduto:
Ente Erogante: Agenzia delle Entrate, D.L. 34/2020, art. 25, € 2.000 (data 18/11/2020);
Ente Erogante: Agenzia delle Entrate, D.L. 73/2021, art. 1,commi da 16 a 27 , € 5.257 (data 31/12/2021).